About Us

Hi there!
My name is Ansu. Frances Green (after my middle name – Frances – and Green for my absolute obsession with plants!) was inspired by my experience of moving out. When I first moved to Cape Town, I was all excited to decorate my own apartment for the first time ever, without needing to think about whether my flatmates would also like it. I was nervous but thrilled to be living alone…You know how it is. 
I had so many ideas for interior decorating that revolved around me and what I love. Naturally, (pun intended) I had to have lots of greenery! I set about buying as many plants as I could possibly fit inside my apartment, only to realise that there were no beautiful planters to showcase them. I looked in store after store, online shop after online shop and there was nothing to be found.
They say you should write the book you want to read – well, I made the shop I wanted to buy from! My mission is to curate a collection of unique and beautiful planters that will showcase your plant babies.
Our plants are such a vital part of our décor – our sense of style shouldn’t fall flat due to ugly planters! So if you have an eye for beauty and a love for greenery, then explore my site, shout if you have any questions and enjoy the process of finding the planters your plants deserve!